This is a special article for a special girl who soon will turn nineteen years old.
I said she`s a special girl because she is one of verry few people that didn`t judged me for my actions, is one of the few persons that gained my trust (wich is not an easy thing to do), one of the few that accepted me for who I am...
She`s the only one that tooked me about eighteen mounths to convince to have a cup of coffee with me and then verry surprisely to me she accepted to go with me to the movies from a simple request.
[I could say that those two days were some of the happyest days of my life. I can also say that those days maked me change my life in good because she showd me that there are people in this world who want to do good things not only to destroy everything taey touch.]
So thru this article I wish her a HAPPY SWEET NINETEEN lots of luck and happyness and everything lese she wishes to come true.
In the end I want her to know that I don`t judge her if sometimes she firgot to do something or give something or evan tell me something...afterall I`m used to this kind of things and the questions that I have will always be a memory of her and I will never firget her smile when I gived her the rose.
Once again these are just words in my mind and I don`t give a damn if some low-life dumb dick doesn`t like it or if he/she has a problem with it.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY "coffee cup girl"
Some time... some day... some how... somewhere...we will meet again
Un comentariu:
"Some time... some day... some how... somewhere...we will meet again "
asta suna a amenintare :))
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