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marți, 23 septembrie 2008

cuvinte de ramas bun

Presupun ca ar fi trebuit sa scriu acest articol putin mai devreme ca raspuns al unei intrebari frecvente la adresa blogului si in special a articolelor mele, si anume " De ce scriu articolele in engleza?".

Ei bine am un raspuns relativ simplu la aceasta intrebare IMI PLACE. Dar totusi are legatura cu un anume eveniment din trecutul meu. Cam tot ce am invatat despre viata a fost de la o familie de americani stabilita intr-un oras nu departe de unde locuiesc; am invatat sa iubesc pentru prima data de la o persoana care abea putea pronunta doua cuvinte in limba romana, cuvinte care imi faceau inima sa creasca de bucurie atunci cand le auzeam, cuvinte in care am incetat sa mai cred in momentul in care ea s-a alaturat ingerilor.

De cand ma stiu mi`a placut sa invat o limba straina, am ales engleza pentru ca la un moment dat era cea mai vorbita limba pe plan international (poate ca si acum este, dar inafara Comunitatii Europene).

Dar am ales sa scriu articolele in limba engleza pentru ca intr-un fel imi aminteste de "zilele insorite" si de zambetul ei divin din fiecare zi cand eram impreuna. Stiu ca nimic nu va mai fi cum a fost, eu nu voi mai fi acelasi baiat nevinovat care vedea doar binele in toate si care nu vroia raul nimanui, practic acel baiat prostut a murit odata cu ea.
Acum imi voi continua viata lunga sau scurta, intunecata sau gri, cu toate cele bune si cu toate cele rele pana moartea ne va reuni.

Pe final as vrea sa multumesc tuturor vizitatorilor pentru ca au avut rabdare sa-mi citeasca articolele, cui nu le-a placut, sincer ma lasa rece, pentru ca in final a fost este si va fi viata mea.

Pentru moment imi iau ramas-bun de la voi toti.....

luni, 22 septembrie 2008

the "Movies" story...

This story has the same two characters as "The Coffee cup story"....only this time, I think the story ends here and maybe my blogg to.
The story beggins in a beautifull autumn Sunday evening (I say beautifull cause it wasn`t verry cold outside), when the guy asked the young lady to join him to the movies. Surprisely, for the first time since they knew each other she said "YES". Time had comed for him to go pick her up, but when he past by the little garden in front of his appartment, he saw a beautifull rose fighting with the cold to stay alive...
He tooked the rose and gived it to the young lady, but he firgot to tell her the flower`s I`ll write some words that should have camed out of my mought yesturday night "THIS IS A SPECIAL ROSE FOR A SPECIAL LADY, CAUSE EVAN IF IT`S SENSITIVE TO COLD IT SURRVIVED ".
So they bouth went to the movie togather.Alldough, something strange happend to him all night long...he smiled and laught and I could have swored that he was happy.
The movie begund and they bouth paid attention to what was happening on the screan, but a few rows back there was a women with two young children that kept readding all the subbtitles outloud (this kindof enoyed him but also amused him in a strange way). The movie was a comedy and they bouth laught out loud ....
After the movie ended he walked her back home, but he never was at a movie with a lady friend (only with "a few" girlfriends....) so he didn`t knew what to do (It sounds pathethic, I know), so they stopt in front of her appartment building and started talking .... As the conversation went along she told him that in a few days she`ll move out from the town into a big city, cause she`s a freshman in college. He kindof got blue when he heard those words but didn`t want her to notice that so he wished her good night, turned arround and left.
My and also their story ends here...
IN THE END I wont be blue because it ended, I`ll be happy cause it happend (as once a good friend told me)

sâmbătă, 20 septembrie 2008

the Coffee cup story

This is a story about a girl, a guy and a cup of coffee.
The story bigins about two years ago, when, new in town a boy (at that point in time with a dark soul) surfed the net searching for something; what was he searching for?...I don`t remember. While waiting for his files to download, he mett a girl on something like a chatroom but not quite. They started talking and talking and talk some more, my guess was that they were becomeing friends,but they never saw each other face to face. At first they bouth appeard to have lots of things in commoun. After a while, they bouth mett for the first time in a saturday night inside a club, but he was dead drunk and didn`t really rememberd what happend in that night ( my guess is that nothing happend cause he couldn`t say a word) The next day, he send her a verry verry nasty and unappropriate instant message, that he truly regreted. When the girl saw the instant message, she got so angry that she sended him to hell and ignored all his messages, so they didn`t speeked to each outher for one year. After 1 year they`ve mett again in the same place they first mett, and he was still dead drunk. Insteed of saying "hi" he kindof danced with her ( I really wouldn`t call that a dance, but whatever). The next day he turned the world arround just to appologise to her for tha words he had said.At first he kept asking her to go with him and get a cup of coffee, but she always said "maybe some other time" or "no", she never said "yes". They got into anouther fight but I don`t remember why and stopt talking to each other again for a while. The school was about to end and they were bouth in senoiur year of highschool but at different schools, ( so he wrote a invitation with a special message to her)<> cause after she got it, she looked for him or at least she thankt him and they satrted talking again. After the summer ended, it was time for him to pay his dets so he wrote her a text message asking if she was gonna be home in a certain saturday morning. The morning had comed and it was a preety nasty weather outside and they bouth got thinking ("to go , not to go" " it`s 9.30 he`s not commeing, but maybe he is") then the interphone ringd and she camed down the stairs and they bouth had a (I think it was good) cup of coffee, and they laught and talked and laught some more The story is not ending here,so...TO BE CONTINUED.

vineri, 19 septembrie 2008


This post is for a friend and it`s about cold weather about me against the world

Today I`ll write about a wave of cold air that maked allmost everyone think that the winter is comming. When I say "allmost everyone" I mean everyone but me. I don`t know for sure why from a while now I can`t feel cold, and when everyone putts their winter coat on, I`m wearing a simple tshirt and a summer jacket. I don`t really know why I don`t feel cold ...
Maybe it`s because lately I can`t feel almost anything, or maybe because my skin is thicker, or just maybe because I don`t care about the weather or sometimes about myselph or maybe I`m gust used to cold of all it`s kinds.
I like autumn cause the skys are mostly grey, and the weather is kindof darker (meaning that the sun doesn`t rise every dayand worms up the air so you feel good the entire day....It rises maybe once a week or once a mounth,`s a little like me). I like to think autumn is a trial, to prepear everyone for something worse that`s about to come (the winter). Winter is not really my favorite season of the year, but lots of people love it because it`s mostly white and there is snow all arround. But of course like every outher season winter has it`s bad parts like the cold winds that freezes you to the bones, or the ice on the roads that causes lots of accidents, or evan avalanches in the mountain areas.
In the end of this post I would like to say that this probably isn`t my best work but noone is forced to read or like it, afterall this are just words in my mind.

joi, 18 septembrie 2008


Today I`m gonna write a storry about the girl that pooled me out of the darkness
It`s gonna sound verry strange, but a long time ago I was a verry happy boy surrounded by people who loved him and he loved them back and more importantly he was inloved with a beautifull dark hair girl that ment the world to him. But one day it was time for that boy to grow up and become a man, that day was the day that his world died in frount of his eyes. Since that day on he wasn`t able to smile or laugh, he lost any memmory of what happyness and good means. He swored revange to those who tooked his love away. As time past his soul becamed darker and darker, he had his revange but that wouldn`t bring his girl back, but instead hi gaind alot of enemyis that wanted him dead. Once he had his revange nothing matterd anymore, so one day he was captured and tortured.But like a miracle he escaped, and a toomb stone was lifted with his name on it, so his enemies wouldn`t try to loock for him anymore<>.
After a few weeks since his toomb stone was lifted, he camed home to find peace and quiet, but he was still dark inside and noone knew what was wrong with him. One year has past since he returned home and the boy becamed a man but his soul was still crying for the one he lost.
One day he started going out with some of his brother`s friends and out of nowhere he sees a face of an angel that smiled at him for no reason. At first he didn`t paid to much attention to her cause she was younger and inocente and he had only one face in his mind. Weeks had passed and he started to change, he had a smile on his face again and sometimes he evan laught.Soon they were togather and he learnd to love again. Nothing matterd until one day when he returned home hurt and she started to argue with him about some stupid things that her friends told her about him. So he broked up with her thinking that she`ll be happyer without him.
After one year they accidently meet in the same place they first met, but evan if her eyes were glowing , she said that she doesn`t love him anymore that now she`s inloved with a taxi driver. When he heard those words, he tooked a last bow, turned arround and left, leaving her his soul and everything good that was left in him.
This is the story of the man with no soul and the girl who pooled him out of the dark.

miercuri, 17 septembrie 2008


Ce este perfectiunea? Cum gasesti persoana perfecta? Exista o persoana perfecta?Exista acea zi perfecta? Acestea sunt intrebari carora multa lume le cauta raspunsul. Prin definitie perfectiunea este un lucru, un obiect, o masinarie care nu are niciun defect.Daca este asa, atunci cum gasesti persoana perfecta?La modul general vorbind nu exista o persoana perfecta. Dar pentru fiecare om in parte exista o anume persoana perfecta, cea in care se regaseste in unele privinte, iar in altele se completeaza unul pe celalalt. De multe ori credem ca am gasit acea persoana care ne completeaza, careia ii suntem loiali, alaturi de care putem duce asa zisa "viata perfecta", dar nu e asa.De cele mai multe ori dupa un scurt timp se rupe vraja care ne facea sa vedem totul "roz" iar lucrurile incep sa se strice. Nu este greu sa gasesti persoana care pentru tine este perfecta dar este nevoie de multa rabdare si intelegere, pentru ca iti ia timp sa cunosti o persoana asa cum este ea cu toate defectele si calitatile ei si nu de putine ori iti trebuie foarte mult timp. Deci o persoana perfecta nu exista in ochii nimanui, dar exista in inimile tuturor atata timp cat esti dispus sa accepti ca atat tu cat si persoana cu care iti imparti viata aveti atat defecte cat si calitati. Cat despre ZIUA PERFECTA eu unul nu am intalnit-o inca si sincer nu doresc nimanui s-o intalneasca prea curand pentru ca se spune ca ZIUA PERFECTA a unui om este ultima lui zi pe Pamant. In incheiere as vrea sa spun un singur lucru : nu conteaza daca esti bun sau rau, mare sau mic, puternic sau slab, cineva, undeva te considera perfect/a pentru ea/el

thoughts... for a friend...

It really doesn`t matter how many angels there are in this world, I know that there are more then one but only the one that left pooled me out of the darkness and I`m greatfull to her
Now that she`s gone (again) I`ll live my life at the edge ... with everything good and bad in it. At least now I won`t run from my past, I won`t run from who I am, cause the past is the past and I am who I am & I`ll allways be
A verry long time ago a friend of mine said to me something that I`ll never forget, he said that " what doesn`t kill you, makes you stronger ", true but when he said me that I was allready dead. So I answerd him that "YOU CAN`T KILL A DEAD MAN".
The good thing about being dead is that you can start over your life without anny interfeerence of your past, and this time you can choose how you will be
This is a little hard to understand, how come a dead man writes on his blog?, well my answer is just as simple... there are more ways to die.
But as my friend said or at least tried to say : "DON`T CRY CAUSE IT`S GONE, BE HAPPY CAUSE IT HAPPEND" so I`ll try to be happy cause it happend

marți, 16 septembrie 2008

just words in my mind

First of all I don`t even know why I created this blog. Maybe I did it just to be able to comment on one of my friend`s blog (she knows whw she is, or maybe not)
Annyway since I`m here I`ll talk about darkness in people`s hearts
What is darkness in one`s heart? Well every living soul on this Earth is devided in two parts light and dark. In the beginning everyone has his soul in an certain equilibrium meaning that the quantity of light ( the capacity to do good) and darkness (the capacity to do bad) are the same.While we grow up there are some events ( some that generate happyness, outhers that generate sadness ).
After you lost everything and everyone that you ever cared about, life becomes a little more difficult and the amount of darkness grows inside you and when you realise that is allready to late to change it.
At first you don`t see any difference in the way you act, but trust me everyone else sees anouther YOU, a person that they never thought that lies inside you. There is only one thing you can do to be a little like you once been: you can accept what you`ve becamed and then step by step try to schetch a smile on your face.
If you once loved now you hate, If you once were good now all you see is distruction, if you ever cared about someone now you only feel an emptyness inside and that emptyness fills wirh hate and dark thoughts
But when you think there`n no way out and noone cares about you, appears an angel who shares everything that she has with you and you don`t understand why is she so good and why do you feel different and worm inside. Soon because of her you change, you love you became you again and just like that the darknees dissappears into the light
But a miracle doesn`t last long and the angel you once met dissappears out of your life and you feel that could and empty place again
What to do? ...what to do?...
I`m not verry good with words, In the end this are just words in my mind.!
the end .