This is a story about a girl, a guy and a cup of coffee.
The story bigins about two years ago, when, new in town a boy (at that point in time with a dark soul) surfed the net searching for something; what was he searching for?...I don`t remember. While waiting for his files to download, he mett a girl on something like a chatroom but not quite. They started talking and talking and talk some more, my guess was that they were becomeing friends,but they never saw each other face to face. At first they bouth appeard to have lots of things in commoun. After a while, they bouth mett for the first time in a saturday night inside a club, but he was dead drunk and didn`t really rememberd what happend in that night ( my guess is that nothing happend cause he couldn`t say a word) The next day, he send her a verry verry nasty and unappropriate instant message, that he truly regreted. When the girl saw the instant message, she got so angry that she sended him to hell and ignored all his messages, so they didn`t speeked to each outher for one year. After 1 year they`ve mett again in the same place they first mett, and he was still dead drunk. Insteed of saying "hi" he kindof danced with her ( I really wouldn`t call that a dance, but whatever). The next day he turned the world arround just to appologise to her for tha words he had said.At first he kept asking her to go with him and get a cup of coffee, but she always said "maybe some other time" or "no", she never said "yes". They got into anouther fight but I don`t remember why and stopt talking to each other again for a while. The school was about to end and they were bouth in senoiur year of highschool but at different schools, ( so he wrote a invitation with a special message to her)<> cause after she got it, she looked for him or at least she thankt him and they satrted talking again. After the summer ended, it was time for him to pay his dets so he wrote her a text message asking if she was gonna be home in a certain saturday morning. The morning had comed and it was a preety nasty weather outside and they bouth got thinking ("to go , not to go" " it`s 9.30 he`s not commeing, but maybe he is") then the interphone ringd and she camed down the stairs and they bouth had a (I think it was good) cup of coffee, and they laught and talked and laught some more The story is not ending here,so...TO BE CONTINUED.
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si si si.....contiuna!!!!!
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