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vineri, 19 septembrie 2008


This post is for a friend and it`s about cold weather about me against the world

Today I`ll write about a wave of cold air that maked allmost everyone think that the winter is comming. When I say "allmost everyone" I mean everyone but me. I don`t know for sure why from a while now I can`t feel cold, and when everyone putts their winter coat on, I`m wearing a simple tshirt and a summer jacket. I don`t really know why I don`t feel cold ...
Maybe it`s because lately I can`t feel almost anything, or maybe because my skin is thicker, or just maybe because I don`t care about the weather or sometimes about myselph or maybe I`m gust used to cold of all it`s kinds.
I like autumn cause the skys are mostly grey, and the weather is kindof darker (meaning that the sun doesn`t rise every dayand worms up the air so you feel good the entire day....It rises maybe once a week or once a mounth,`s a little like me). I like to think autumn is a trial, to prepear everyone for something worse that`s about to come (the winter). Winter is not really my favorite season of the year, but lots of people love it because it`s mostly white and there is snow all arround. But of course like every outher season winter has it`s bad parts like the cold winds that freezes you to the bones, or the ice on the roads that causes lots of accidents, or evan avalanches in the mountain areas.
In the end of this post I would like to say that this probably isn`t my best work but noone is forced to read or like it, afterall this are just words in my mind.

Un comentariu:

fiica mării spunea...

a cunoaste este iarna, a iubi e primavara... :)