First of all I don`t even know why I created this blog. Maybe I did it just to be able to comment on one of my friend`s blog (she knows whw she is, or maybe not)
Annyway since I`m here I`ll talk about darkness in people`s hearts
What is darkness in one`s heart? Well every living soul on this Earth is devided in two parts light and dark. In the beginning everyone has his soul in an certain equilibrium meaning that the quantity of light ( the capacity to do good) and darkness (the capacity to do bad) are the same.While we grow up there are some events ( some that generate happyness, outhers that generate sadness ).
After you lost everything and everyone that you ever cared about, life becomes a little more difficult and the amount of darkness grows inside you and when you realise that is allready to late to change it.
At first you don`t see any difference in the way you act, but trust me everyone else sees anouther YOU, a person that they never thought that lies inside you. There is only one thing you can do to be a little like you once been: you can accept what you`ve becamed and then step by step try to schetch a smile on your face.
If you once loved now you hate, If you once were good now all you see is distruction, if you ever cared about someone now you only feel an emptyness inside and that emptyness fills wirh hate and dark thoughts
But when you think there`n no way out and noone cares about you, appears an angel who shares everything that she has with you and you don`t understand why is she so good and why do you feel different and worm inside. Soon because of her you change, you love you became you again and just like that the darknees dissappears into the light
But a miracle doesn`t last long and the angel you once met dissappears out of your life and you feel that could and empty place again
What to do? ...what to do?...
I`m not verry good with words, In the end this are just words in my mind.!
the end .
2 comentarii:
"But a miracle doesn`t last long"...true, true :( :(
there are miracles that last forever :D
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